Career Result Archives
Rank List Archives
The Appointment will be based on the number of vacancies published in advertisement. If any offer drop happens, the next candidate in the rank list will be considered as eligible for the post.

Shortlist Archives
The candidates shortlisted for the interview is based on the details provided by the candidates in their online application form. Further selection process will be informed to the shortlisted candidates through email.

Shortlist for the role of Senior Fellowship - Innovation Corridor Shortlist for the post of Project Assistant - IT Shortlist for Technology Fellow - Startup PortfolioShortlist for Interview of Secretary & RegistrarShortlist for Interview of Assistant Manager-marketing (Fablab)Shortlist for Interview of Jr. Engineer - ElectricalShortlist for Interview of Technical Officer - FablabShortlist for Interview of Fablab CoordinatorShortlist for Interview of Machine Making Engineer-mechanicalShortlist for Interview of Technology Fellow-fablabShortlist for the post of Intern Startup City Project.Shortlist for the post of Assistant ManagerShortlist for the post of Project Coordinator-ProcurementShortlist for the post of Project CoordinatorShortlist for the post of  Project Assistant Calicut.Shortlist for the post of  Jr. Engineer NetworkingShortlist for the post of Technology Fellow- Women Entrepreneurship Development  Shortlist for the post of Consultant SSK Shortlist for the post of Program Head SSK Provisional shortlist for the post of Accounts ExecutiveShortlist for the post of Jr. Engineer Networking.Shortlist for the post of Accounts Executive.Shortlist for the post of Project Coordinator-Social & RuralShortlist for the post of Project Coordinator-FundingShortlist for the post of Project Assistant-FundingShortlist for the post of Sr.Fellowship-Malabar Innovation CorridorShortlist for the post of Technology Fellow-Women Entrepreneurship Development